Bonds and Debt


Understanding YTM: Its Inverse Relation with Market Price Explained

“Price is what you pay, value is what you get”. In an investment world nothing holds truer than these words from Warren Buffett. ...

Evolution of Bond Trading in India: SEBI, NSE, Dematerialization

Whose grandmother hasn’t talking longingly about the “Good old days”? Everything about the good old days was marvelous. Prices of food and clothing were...


Rising inflation in the U.S has stirred the global financial markets. Before we access the impact of same on the Indian debt market, let’s briefly...

Sovereign Gold Bonds 2023: Secure Investment Opportunity in India

Looking to invest in Gold but don’t want the burden of physically holding it? Well, look no further - Sovereign Gold Bonds (SGB) are...

Unlocking the Power of Bonds: Diversify and Secure Your Portfolio

What does each one of us think of doing when we have accumulated some savings? Other than shopping of course! We look for a mode...
State Development Loans (SDLs)

Safeguarding Your Investments with State Government Bonds

The high risk of market volatility compares said the US returned friend, to an “E-Ticket” ride at Disney World. E, on a 5-grade starting...

Bond STRIPS: Customizing Investments for Your Financial Goals

Investments have a goal. The broadest investment objective, irrespective of the type of investment or asset class used, is the creation of wealth. Postponement...

Bond Market Essentials: A-Z Glossary for Traders

Understanding Bond Trader's Lingo Just to ensure that we are speaking the same language, rather than the “Greek and Latin” that my Physics Professor accused...

Understanding Bond Markets: The Role of Day Count Conventions

Peeking into the bond market we have found a few quirky terminology and interesting practices. As the market has developed it has grown some...

Bond Market Price Dynamics: Clean and Dirty Prices

The debt market, both at a global and India level is second only to the foreign currency market in size and in India is...

Deep Discount Bonds vs. Zero Coupon Bonds Explained

In 1992 investors were drawn to exciting advertising by Industrial Development Bank of India (IDBI), a Central Government promoted Development Financial Institution, calling for...

Tier 2 Bank Bonds: Balancing Risk and Rewards

Understanding Bank Debentures and Deposit Guarantee A debenture issued by a bank, rather than a corporate could be an easy way to describe the next...